How Not to Panic When You Make a Mistake [PODCAST]

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29 | How Not to Panic When You Make a Mistake Lactation Business Coaching with Annie and Leah

In this episode of Lactation Business Coaching with Annie and Leah talks about all those moments when things do not go as planned and how to work around them.

From minor issues like calling a baby by the wrong name to more major problems like wrecking your scale during a consult, Annie and Leah share some real life disasters that they had to deal with and, by the end of it, the solutions they came up with right at that moment.

They also explore another important life lesson in all this which is learning to give a genuine apology when you find yourself at fault.

Show Notes

  • Getting pooped on
  • Finding an emergency scale
  • Forgetting your bag
  • Showing up at the wrong house
  • Curious dogs & NogginStiks
  • Calling your client the wrong name
  • Apologizing and having the right mindset


  • “Maybe it’s something that you did not right. Maybe you said the wrong thing or you chose the wrong direction. You know, there could be a million things but don’t beat yourself up in that moment. Here’s another way to think about it: Take a deep breath and thank this moment for giving you the opportunity to learn and then say what can I learn from this? Because I can guarantee, if you take that perspective, you are going to only grow.”
  • “I totally called some client’s baby by the wrong name and on the second visit, my second visit with them, so they weren’t new to me. Like we had a relationship and I might have done it a couple of times and then like looked on their chart and I was like, okay not only did I call them by the wrong name, I called them by a very obviously wrong gender name too. And I was just so embarrassed and all I did in that moment was I just switched to using the right name. And I was like, we’re all just going to pretend like this never happened.”
  • “I just have to overcome that feeling that I have to be perfect and that’s something that is an ongoing process. I mean, I do know that when I’m the one who makes the mistake that there’s a lot of shame involved for me. I get embarrassed. I don’t want to admit it. I want to pretend like it never happened. And recognizing when I take the step to just apologize if I’m in the wrong, and I say I’m sorry, and then usually that leads to someplace good.”
  • “We would all love to run away when we’re at fault for something but I really believe in the power that an apology has. A good apology. A real apology that admits when you’ve done something wrong that’s harmed someone else and giving that to them. And saying, you’re important enough to me to tell you that I am sorry that I hurt you even if, instead of trying to minimize it or deflect it or make it about yourself, really just saying I’m sorry.”

About Us

Leah Jolly is a private practice IBCLC with Bay Area Breastfeeding in Houston, Texas. Annie Frisbie is a private practice IBCLC serving Queens and Brooklyn in New York City, and the creator of Paperless Lactation.

The Lactation Business Coaching podcast is produced by us and edited by Jillian Grover, who also writes our show notes. Our theme song is by Silas Wade.

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