Working with Pathway 3 Interns [PODCAST]

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72 | Working with Pathway 3 Interns Lactation Business Coaching with Annie and Leah

““If you’re gonna do private practice, Pathway 3 really is the only pathway that makes sense.”

—  Annie Frisbie


Have you ever thought of being a Pathway 3 mentor? Does it feel overwhelming and you don’t even know where to start?

Leah jumped head first into being a Pathway 3 mentor and in this episode, she tells you all about it. Plus we got some backup to help you with all your questions about being a Pathway 3 mentor.

We also give you a recap of our time at the USCLA conference and all the amazing speakers that we heard.

Listen now to discover:‌ ‌ 

  • What we learned at the USCLA conference (00:14)
  • Why Leah decided to be a Pathway 3 Mentor (07:55)
  • What holds most lactation consultants back from being a Pathway 3 mentor (08:44)
  • A way to improve your education around being a Pathway 3 mentor (10:09)

“You can just be doing your job and sharing the information and things that you know how to do, and it’s gonna help our profession altogether.”

—  Leah Jolly

Links and Resources


00:14 – Our talks at the USCLA conference

03:41 – Classes we went to at the USCLA conference 

07:55 – Why Leah decided to be a Pathway 3 Mentor

08:44 – What holds most lactation consultants back from being a Pathway 3 mentor 

10:09 – A way to improve your education around being a Pathway 3 mentor 

14:24 – The different Pathways

About Us

Leah Jolly is a private practice IBCLC with Bay Area Breastfeeding in Houston, Texas. Annie Frisbie is a private practice IBCLC serving Queens and Brooklyn in New York City, and the creator of Paperless Lactation.

The Lactation Business Coaching podcast is produced by us and edited by Jillian Grover, who also writes our show notes. Our theme song is by Silas Wade.

About the Author