equity statement

What Annie Frisbie IBCLC, Inc Stands For

As a professionals working with pregnant, birthing, and postpartum families, we should be working together towards three specific goals:

  • Reducing race-based disparities in health and mortality outcomes in childbirth and the first year postpartum for oppressed families and their babies. This work can be done on local, national, and international levels.
  • Increasing access to the IBCLC credential for non-dominant candidates. This means eliminating barriers to education and mentorships through institutional scholarships and grants, as well as individual action.
  • Elevating members of non-dominant culture to leadership positions in our professional and advocacy organizations, and as speakers and lecturers on clinical topics at our conferences.

Equity In Action

The IBLCE Code of Professional Conduct states that the IBCLC is to “Treat all clients equitably without regard to ability/disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex, ethnicity, race, national origin, political persuasion, marital status, geographic location, religion, socioeconomic status, age, within the legal framework of the respective geo-political region or setting.”

To me, ethical integrity means implementing policies and procedures that not only meet my obligation to provide equitable care to families, but also to center equity in all of my professional and clinical communications and relationships.

As the owner of Annie Frisbie IBCLC, Inc, I commit to:

  • paying a fair and living wage to employees and subcontractors
  • offering equitable access to services, products, and continuing education for those identifying as Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or are living in countries categorized by the World Bank as B, C, and D.
  • pursuing education and trainings to dismantle my own biases
  • supporting nonprofits and initiatives that aim to eliminate racism-based disparities in infant and parent mortality rates and that focus on queer and trans rights
  • advocating for a trauma-informed, consent-based, privacy-minded approach to clinical care that centers the autonomy, dignity, and worth of the individual seeking support
  • taking responsibility for harm I cause because of my own privilege and bias
  • making reparations for the harms caused by my ancestors that have benefited me materially


Annie Frisbie IBCLC, Inc actively supports the World Health Organization (WHO) International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and subsequent World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions. Therefore, Annie Frisbie IBCLC, Inc is not a company, inclusive of manufacturers, distributors, or marketers, whose products fall within the scope of the World Health Organization (WHO) International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (1981) and subsequent World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions (e.g., infant formula, bottles, and teats).